ModelSim SE software for simulation and debug environment, combininghigh performance with the most powerful and intuitive GUI in theindustry.Full details Modelsim SE 10.1c and get links download please reading below.MentorGraphics was the first to combine single kernel simulator (SKS)technology with a unified debug environment for Verilog, VHDL, andSystemC. The combination of industry-leading, native SKS performancewith the best integrated debug and analysis environment make ModelSimthe simulator of choice for both ASIC and FPGA design. The beststandards and platform support in the industry make it easy to adopt inthe majority of process and tool flows. High Performance and Capacity Mixed HDL SimulationModelSim combineshigh performance and high capacity with the code coverage and debuggingcapabilities required to simulate larger blocks and systems and attainASIC gate-level sign-off. Comprehensive support of Verilog, VHDL, andSystemC provide a solid foundation for single and multi-language designverification environments.The ModelSim vopt usage mode achievesindustry-leading performance and capacity through very aggressive,global compile and simulation optimization algorithms of Verilog andVHDL, improving Verilog and mixed VHDL/Verilog RTL simulationperformance by up to 10X. The performance mode can also improve Veriloggate-level performance by up to 4X and capacity by over 2X. ModelSimalso supports very fast time-to-next simulation and effective librarymanagement while maintaining high performance with its new black box usemodel, known as bbox.
With bbox, non-changing elements can be compiledand optimized once and reused when running a modified version of thetestbench. Bbox delivers dramatic throughput improvements of up to 3Xwhen running a large suite of testcasesEffective Debug EnvironmentModelSimeases the process of finding design defects with an intelligentlyengineered debug environment. The ModelSim debug environment efficientlydisplays design data for analysis and debug of all languages.ModelSimallows many debug and analysis capabilities to be employedpost-simulation on saved results, as well as during live simulationruns. For example, the coverage viewer analyzes and annotates sourcecode with code coverage results, including FSM state and transition,statement, expression, branch, and toggle coverage. Signal values can beannotated in the source window and viewed in the waveform viewer,easing debug navigation with hyperlinked navigation between objects andits declaration and between visited files.
Race conditions, delta, andevent activity can be analyzed in the list and wave windows.User-defined enumeration values can be easily defined for quickerunderstanding of simulation results. For improved debug productivity,ModelSim also has graphical and textual dataflow capabilities.TheModelSim debug environments broad set of intuitive capabilities forVerilog, VHDL, and SystemC make it the choice for ASIC and FPGA design.Advanced Code CoverageTheModelSim advanced code coverage capabilities provide valuable metricsfor systematic verification. All coverage information is stored in theUnified Coverage DataBase (UCDB), which is used to collect and manageall coverage information in a highly efficient database. Coverageutilities that analyze code coverage data, such as merging and testranking, are available. Coverage results can be viewed interactively,post-simulation, or after a merge of multiple simulation runs. Codecoverage metrics can be reported by instance or by design unit,providing flexibility in managing coverage data.