Ivory is a comprehensive virtual instrument reproducing the sounds of the world’s finest grand pianos. Ivory’s creators are accomplished pianists as well as programmers, and know that no single piano, no matter how great, is right for all players, all styles or all recording situations. Therefore, Ivory contains more than 40 Gigabytes of carefully assembled, unlooped and untransposed samples of three distinct world-class instruments: a Bosendorfer 290 Imperial Grand, a German Steinway model D nine-foot concert grand, and a Yamaha C7 grand. Each can be installed separately, or you can install them all together. Ivory also contains its own 32-bit playback and DSP engine, which was designed from the ground up to perform the various specialized tasks of reproducing piano performance, and which can be hosted on every major workstation platform on Macintosh and PC computers.
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