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Actual data may vary owing to differences in individual products, software versions, application conditions, and environmental factors. All data is subject to actual usage.Due to real-time changes involving product batches, production and supply factors, in order to provide accurate product information, specifications, and features, HUAWEI may make real-time adjustments to text descriptions and images in the foregoing information pages, so that they match the product performance, specifications, indexes, and components of the actual product. Product information is subject to such changes and adjustments without notice.
Hello everyone!I have a HUAWEI dongle, model: E3231 on a Three network, and it's been working fine for a year now. All of the sudden it stopped working today. The light flashes green, but there is no internet connection, and my computer only is only barely picking it up.Here is what I did so far:1. I checked under 'Devices and Printers' in the Control Panel, and the dongle is being picked up as an 'Unspecified' device.2. I ran the troubleshoot on it, which suggested that the driver for HUAWEI mobile is not installed.
The attempt to install the missing driver for the dongle was unsuccessful.3. I downloaded the Driver Manager program, and scanned the dongle with it - the results confirmed that the dongle is indeed missing a driver.4. I checked the HUAWEI website for the drivers, and all they had was an update for the E3231-Ws model, and it was Mac-only anyway.
Same goes to their Auto-Detect tool - it looked like a Mac installation, and I couldn't get it to run. I couldn't find the drivers for my dongle anywhere else.Could anyone please help? I'm really stuck, and have no idea what caused the dongle to malfunction in the first place.The exact dongle model is: HUAWEI E3231, here's the link to it:you!